Minnesota Spitters By Royal Decreed
By The Royal Decreed of the Order of Truthsurfers, I give the following DFLers the first ever Minnesota’s ‘Spit In Your Eye’ award for gifting billionaire Carl Pohlad with a stadium at our hard working expense…way to stick it to the very people you represent!
"Tiger Randall's threat to spit in the pitcher's eye as he rounds second base may have to be taken seriously after all. He's already droolin' tobacco juice all over his jersey..."
Baseball players spit more than any other professional athletes. They even spit more than boxers, who at least try to hit the buckets in their corners most of the time. Baseball players spit anytime, anywhere--before, during and after the game and while the TV cameras are on them...
Now, the before mentioned DFLers have coughed up a big one, but instead of hitting the cup, they put it in our eye. They too are spitters...only we've just became the bucket! I can't wait for the Vikings to come knocking next year.
T Bonoff, T Clark, Foley, Higgins, Hottinger, Dean Johnson, Gov. Steve Kelley, Kiscaden, Kubly, Langseth, S. Marko, J. Metzen, S. Murphy, Saxhaug, Scheid, Skoe, Skoglund, Sparks, Stumpf, Tomassoni, Vickerman and Wiger.

Baseball players spit more than any other professional athletes. They even spit more than boxers, who at least try to hit the buckets in their corners most of the time. Baseball players spit anytime, anywhere--before, during and after the game and while the TV cameras are on them...
Now, the before mentioned DFLers have coughed up a big one, but instead of hitting the cup, they put it in our eye. They too are spitters...only we've just became the bucket! I can't wait for the Vikings to come knocking next year.