CNN is saying Governor Pawlenty is announcing on Monday that he won’t seek re-election for a third term. While great news for Minnesota because I’m not sure we could survive another term under his lack of leadership….it may be bad news for the nation as he has hinted at a run for president in 2012. Still Minnesota is in the mist of a meltdown made worse by his decisions. I couldn’t have s aid it better : …lost jobs, excessively high unemployment, lost Federal funding, damage caused by lost state aid to communities, kowtowing to the Taxpayers League (that’s got to be worth at least something), damage to our educational system (kids should get paid double the penalty), failure to properly repair our roads and bridges, taking on the role of a king rather than a representative governor of the people… Yep, it’s King Timmy Pawlenty. And I must say I disagree with Southside Pride’s Dave Porter who says: He is a nice guy. Goes to church regular, married, still plays a little hockey…. Pawlenty ...