The war today . MR. RUSSERT: If you were to be asked whether things in Iraq are going well or badly, what would you say? How would you answer? GEN. PACE: I’d say they’re going well. I wouldn’t put a great big smiley face on it, but I would say they’re going very, very well from everything you look at… Yeah...Look at this, General… 2300 They're shameless. They're evil, They're going to pay! 'War, huh Good God y'all- What is it good for- Stand up and shout it- Nothing' : War by Edwin Starr War, huh, yeah What is it good for Absolutely nothing Uh-huh War, huh, yeah What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again, y'all War, huh, good God What is it good for Absolutely nothing Listen to me Ohhh, war, I despise Because it means destruction Of innocent lives War means tears To thousands of mothers eyes When their sons go to fight And lose their lives I said, war, huh Good God, y'all What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again War, whoa, Lord What...