
Showing posts from December, 2010

Hello? I'd Rather Be Robbed Than Murdered!

- Good news! er, sorta... violent crimes like rape and robbery are down in Minneapolis...but not so much murder! And the media is all over this one ...sigh..'oh look a bright shiny violent crime down'...let's not talk about murder! - Odd even for Minnesotans ....Who would have thought we'd live to see the words Michelle Bachmann and Intelligence in the same sentence let alone on a House committee. Another sign that the Apocalypse is nearing for Minnesotans. So we seat batshit crazy Bachmann who still can't intellectually understand the cost savings of compact fluorescent light bulbs over conventional bulbs just to prove to the world we still have a sense of humor?...I guess we should be thankful we're off of cooper candle lanterns. - Move along nothing to see . Remember the non stop coverage of possible voter fraud in Crow County, Minnesota ? Well here' s the non-coverage of it's outcome! Another urban voter fraud legend screamed all over the bl...

A Cup of Racism in the Morning

Usually I don't listen to radio during my morning commute but my disc player wasn't working so I had a new experience...I'd liken it to smelling the aroma a skunk leaves for the first time...unique not very pleasant, downright foul and somewhat painful. Yes, it was just that bad. What I'm talking about is listening for about ten minutes on the ride into work to KQRS in the morning...After ten minutes I would have bet my last dollar the KKK runs the morning show or at least a closely veiled group with similar views, but surprise, it's owned by Walt Disney Corporation. The radio announcers commented on the latest census data showing Minnesota has a large and growing Somali population (true) but then went on to peppered comments like "it's because Minnesota offers the best welfare" but if that was true why is Minnesota ranked 17th ? And assorted other comments regarding the typical jackboot comments against minorities like...a lack of work ethics, being M...

Dining on Minnesota Politics

Seems like I live on a diet of politics...maybe I need to adjust this for my New Year resolution, but during this holiday season there seems to be more than enough baked goods to go around. Apรฉritif The dynamic duo of DFLers Ken Martin and Marge Hoffa are running for Chair/Associate Chair of the DFL. Will they pull it? Possibly. I actually haven't heard of anyone else running against them, and certainly many of the bread and butter DFLers are lined up behind them given their extensive time and experience in the party. Do I support them? Possibly. Think I'll wait and see if anyone else throws their champagne glass down...I was really hoping Howard Dean would move here but I guess I need to put that fantasy away. Entree Minnesotan Norm Coleman would like a turn at the RNC buffet, but was politely waiting for Michael Steele to finish up and step away...unfortunately... Steele surprised most by announcing he's seeking a second term as Chair of the RNC...apparently, the fried c...

This Is Friday's Rant

Hmm...I see that several local blogs are turning the 'great eye sauron' on to Brian Melendez and his future (or not) as the DFL Chair. Overall Brian has performed well during his tenure. He took the DFL from a basically 'oshucks non-communication folksy good boy operation' and moved it up into this century. Under his tutelage the DFL is more open and wired (website and calendar with lower DFL units linkage). He installed a communication department and continues maintaining the bones of the DFL through fundraising and making tweets and changes that have organized and improved operations. Simply stated, Brian Melendez was the right person to that time. Are there complaints, sure... things can always be improved, but given where the DFL was when Brian started, he's made a real impact during his time in office... The question everyone is asking, Is he the right person now? I've heard (as has others) that Brian won't run again which eliminates the need ...

Say What?!

I hear Obama called me...' sanctimonious ' Well, I've had enough, call the attorneys, where's that taxi, I'm going to my mothers....wait, you want me to compromise again?, I can't do it, no more chances, I'm through, I'm leaving now...where's my jacket? I have a firm policy of not dealing with hostage takers and a long memory to go along with the history of what happens when you make your unreasonable, unjustifiable, unbelieveably bad deal Mr. Obama, but don't look for me to stand by your side...the honeymoon is over... "With the pain in my chest, I still wish you the best, but forget you"...

The Fat Lady Sings For A Better Minnesota!

It's official, the Honorable Mark Dayton is Minnesota's new Governor by roughly 9000 votes. Mark will assume office January 3, with the Legislature to convene the next day. Dayton will be also be facing a GOP Legislature and a $6.2 billion Minnesota State budget deficit. Dayton's win also means Democrats will have a seat at the table when it comes to redrawing the state's congressional and legislative districts. Mark Dayton really cares about families, communities and doing good. I am a bit surprise that Mark's opponent, Tom Emmer. decided not to pursue a frivolous losing election battle. I underestimated his ability to do the expedient and correct thing for Minnesotans. So a Republican majority in both the Minnesota House and Senate, a new elected MN DFL Governor, 18 disconnected GOPers , a 6.2 billion dollar deficit and redistricting...Should be an interesting time...stay tuned and make a toast tonight to our newly elected MN Governor Mark Dayton!

Tax Breaks Won't Stop The Boat From Sinking!

What good is government when it can't provide for those in need without paying a tariff to the wealthy? Wasn't that one of the reasons our country was founded? avoid this kind of crap! "So this notion that somehow we are willing to compromise too much reminds me of the debate that we had during health care. This is the public option debate all over again… People will have the satisfaction of having a purist position and no victories for the American people. " President Obama, This isn't about compromise or purist positions or even victories. Maintaining the status quo of the last 8 years is not providing for the under employed, and it sure as hell isn't resolving any of our problems...Where's the job creation, the training or the economic stimulus? All I see is more of the same...and the massive 'piling on' of debt to enrich the few. Two years from now, under your 'compromise', the rich will have more, while the majority of Americans ...

A Special Letter from John Kline: This Holiday Season Save The Wealthy!

An urgent special message from Minnesota Rep. John Kline (R-02) Dear Friends- As you probably should know by now, I am deeply concerned that "the Washington culture of taxing, borrowing and spending is doing nothing to stem the tide of lost jobs and economic uncertainty." But I am convinced that if we continue tax breaks for our millionaire and billionaire Americans, this culture can be broken. Sure, Minnesota is in a mess, which is why you put your faith in me this past election. You realize, that after my years in Washington, if there is one thing your old buddy John Kline knows, it's how to recognize a mess when I make see one. Now I know what you're thinking, I've been in office for a decade and still the deficit keeps getting bigger, the gap between the middle class and the wealthy looms larger than ever and after four my terms in office, things aren't improving, they are getting much worse, but this time in office much like the last four I really ...

More GOP Much Ado About Nothing

In Shakespeare's play 'In Much Ado About Nothing', there are many examples of deception and self-deception. The games and tricks played on people often have the best intentions—to make people fall in love, to help someone get what they want, or to make someone realise their mistake. In our case, the GOP's take on the recount is an example of this deception and self delusion but for not the best of intentions... The Fact : If every single Emmer challenge (both deemed legitimate and frivolous) were accepted, Dayton would still lead by over 5,000 votes. Instead of accepting the lost, Tom Emmer and the GOP will drag this out costing (gasp!) government workers time and (gasp again!) at tax payer expense. Yeah I know, they ran on shrinking government, getting government out of our business, not filing frivolous lawsuits, or spending taxpayers money for stupid things but...yeah...well ya know. with .0008 percent MN voter fraud in 2008, this is important to every man, women a...

The New MN Reps. Taxing and Spending and Growing Goverment Already?

The party of small government and no taxes in Minnesota are preparing to grow the role of government and do so at taxpayer expense...yes once again, those GOP candidates that got elected by promising to stop out-of-control government spending is working behind the scenes do do just that... MN Voters Alliance has put out an email saying they are working closely with board member and former Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer to introduce a bill mandating a statewide photo ID as a first priority. "...If Governor Pawlenty is still in office in January, he would undoubtedly sign it. If Dayton wins and is seated sooner rather than later, we are already preparing a campaign to urge him to sign the bill, including our PHOTO ID petition in St. Paul which we have nearly 3,000 signatures." The question to ask is: Will our newly elected GOP allow an outer space, right wing, moon bat group that alleges widespread voter fraud but can't prove it because they pull them out of their paran...