Hello? I'd Rather Be Robbed Than Murdered!
- Good news! er, sorta... violent crimes like rape and robbery are down in Minneapolis...but not so much murder! And the media is all over this one ...sigh..'oh look a bright shiny violent crime down'...let's not talk about murder! - Odd even for Minnesotans ....Who would have thought we'd live to see the words Michelle Bachmann and Intelligence in the same sentence let alone on a House committee. Another sign that the Apocalypse is nearing for Minnesotans. So we seat batshit crazy Bachmann who still can't intellectually understand the cost savings of compact fluorescent light bulbs over conventional bulbs just to prove to the world we still have a sense of humor?...I guess we should be thankful we're off of cooper candle lanterns. - Move along nothing to see . Remember the non stop coverage of possible voter fraud in Crow County, Minnesota ? Well here' s the non-coverage of it's outcome! Another urban voter fraud legend screamed all over the bl...