
Showing posts from February, 2008

The State I'm In

It's harder to make ends meet...everything has gone up in price...gasoline, heating, water, medicine, food...everything but my wages. Want to know the 'State of the State'?'s not good at all! Governor Tim Pawlenty maybe hasn't noticed because he's been too busy campaigning for McCain, but the rest of us know that things aren't improving. For some of us 'Rome is burning' and Tim is fiddling.

'If I Could Start Again A Million Miles Away'

Because it's Tuesday, and I'm cold (so cold I could shatter at any moment! Touch me and I'll break apart into little squares of human ice cubes that spill upon the frozen earth. I suppose they would bounce...a little...then the cubes of myself turn to crushed ice..geez I'm losing it), and the damm car broke down (sigh again...I swear it senses when I can least afford a breakdown and does it on's like the g*d of auto is vengeful and has it in for me personally. Why else does it wait until I'm broke, exhaused mentally and emotionally and it's the coldest day of the year and breaks down? why? Did I mention that it's already cost more than I make in two months to repair? What did I ever do to deserve this?), and the cat is still sick (in fact the cat is probably more depressed than me...given it has to stay inside with a stupid collar on so it won't reopen a sore on it's head! Right before leaving for work this morning the cat ...

Go To Caucus!

By now you've probably have made up your mind who you support and what issues you want addressed and changed. If the polls are to be believed most American's want to see an end to the last eight years that have underminded our civil liberities, taken away our economic well being, and allowed corporations more power than people. But that change will only happen if you GET INVOLVED. That process starts tonight at your local precinct caucus. Who you support isn't as important as getting involved. What happened over the last several years has happened because most people haven't be involved. They feel powerless and we divorced from their government. That can all change tonight. No matter who or what you support, please attend tonight's caucuses. To find a precinct caucus location please use the following: Log onto: WWW.DFLCAUCUSES.ORG OR WWW.SOS.STATE.MN.US OR CALL THE DFL AT: 651.293.1200 Change starts with you. One person, and then one more, and then another, and t...

Standing Up For Hillary

Message from NOW PAC Chair Kim Gandy: In a few hours, at 4:15 am to be exact, I'm headed out in the cold to yet another airport, this time to Chattanooga and then Knoxville, Tennessee to rally and speak for Hillary Clinton. I'd go anywhere, any time, to shout from the rooftops that Hillary Clinton is the right choice for women, for our families, for our communities and for our future. Here is why I care so much: Hillary Clinton is a national leader of the highest order, with the strength and determination and experience to deliver real change to our country. She has been a leader on women's rights and civil rights for over 30 years. It is of special importance to me that Hillary is an unparalleled champion for women's reproductive rights, justice and health. In fact, I've just signed a letter from many leaders : Martha Burk, Gloria Feldt, Cecelia Fire Thunder, Lulu Flores, Ellen Malcolm, Irene Natividad, Ellie Smeal, Gloria Steinem, and Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones on...

Looking Into My Daughter's Eyes

My daughters and I went to see Hillary Clinton yestarday afternoon. Hillary was nothing short of dynamic with amaxing energy. She spoke of all the issues that mean something to progressives like healthcare, affordable education, tax equality, job creations, civil rights...She got to the heart of the issues and provided specifics on what she and the Democratic leadership would do in the coming Presidental term. But I've got to say the image she most left me with is even closer to my heart. The social equality of women being equal to men...Picture this...the first Madam President Hillary Clinton with the future Madam President Coco Kinnell...that's the picture I see in my mind. That my daughters have the same opportunities and advancement that men in America have been traditionally granted. I also have to say to all supporters of any campaign... Yeah...I've heard the threats...she's a beltway insider...well you know what? I think of Bush and how he wasn't a Washington...

Triple E with Hillary!

Excitement, Experiences, Energy... Hillary Clinton was in Minneapolis Minnesota yestarday. She spoke to a packed house at Augsburg College then went on to a more private 'Super Bowl' gathering at Dixie's on Grand. Here's a video that captures some of the excitement of her campaign: