Recount Omens

Got up late this morning and the dog didn't quite make it... When I got the paper towels to clean it up...there it was... spelled out... F13 omen...Franken by 13 votes...which I might add is better than Coleman by 13 votes for a number of reasons... Senator Coleman was clearly a Bush lap dog which is why after one term of office he couldn't even get a voters mandate to take into the next term. Imagine going to WA.DC after serving one term without a clear's like saying sure I won but only by the margin of my relatives votes for me. Not much bragging rights there! In addition, the odds are in our favor...we (including Al Franken) represent 95% of the people. The ones that work for a living, raise their families, volunteer in their communities. Unlike Coleman whose one term record shows he represents 5% of the people ...the rich ones, the wealthy, the elitist, the corporate cronies. Plus Al will be able to devote his time to the issues facing Americans, w...