Sentenced To Die
It's ironic that hanging is also a crime against humanity.
What exactly is the lesson we're showing?!
Where's the christian/legislative outcry?
Oh I get it, he's not Terri Schiavo.
Are only certain lives deemed sacred?
No matter how it was done,
this will be how America will be viewed by Arab states,
afterall, it was Osama Bin Laden that attacked us.

Somewhere between the two extremes, there was another way. صدام حسين عبد المجيد التكريتي
What exactly is the lesson we're showing?!
Where's the christian/legislative outcry?
Oh I get it, he's not Terri Schiavo.
Are only certain lives deemed sacred?
No matter how it was done,
this will be how America will be viewed by Arab states,
afterall, it was Osama Bin Laden that attacked us.

Somewhere between the two extremes, there was another way. صدام حسين عبد المجيد التكريتي
stupid sobs
Saddam Hussein is a murderous thug who butchered thousands.
Mnsky, your moral equivalency is sickening. Don't attend any DFL events. Your stench will be overwhelming.
On second thought let's not, bubba will look good in an orange jumpsuit and justice will still be served as it would have with Saddam.
Save your political moral compass for the pack mentality. The only thing that stinks here is your lack of compassion, reasoning and value system. Just because you want it, doesn't justify it or make it right, it just makes it all the more self serving.
Are you a DFLer or a Green?
That explains your confusion.