Speak Melendez To Me!
MN DFL Chair Brian Melendez nails it. Isn't it time the GOP grows up, starts playing by the rules (and laws) while looking out for Minnesotan interests?
ST. PAUL (12/20/05) – "The Republican Party must take responsibility for this Ek mess," said DFL State Chair Brian Melendez. "Trying to blame Attorney General Mike Hatch and the DFL Party is laughable. Republicans from the top down somehow believe that they are above the law—first by offering up a candidate who lied about living in the district, now by whining about having to follow the law about getting on the ballot. The Republican culture of corruption that is plaguing this state and the nation is intolerable.
"For the Republican Party to say that they want the voters to have a choice is hypocritical. The Republican governor set the special election for two days after Christmas to ensure low turnout. This date also disenfranchises more than 15,000 students at St. Cloud State University, as they are on winter break. And it was Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer, a Republican, who told county officials
that Kay Ek could not be on the ballot."
"For once, the Republican Party should admit its mistake and not blame others.
"DFL-endorsed candidate Larry Haws is an honest, deserving and straight-shooting 32-year public servant to the St. Cloud area, and he will represent the Granite City admirably at the State Capitol."