I grew up reading comic books wanting to be a superhero. Comics taught me that those who speak the truth are heroes, all the rest are liars.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Innuendo, Gossip and the Pioneer Press

Pioneer Press Reporter Rachel E. Stassen-Berger gets an ‘F’ minus for her story on congressional candidate Coleen Rowley (D-MN-CD2).

Rachel quotes in her recent article on Coleen Rowley “Her fundraising has been disappointing, some say.”

Hmmmmmmm… the number one DFL congressional fundraiser in Minnesota during the last reporting cycle and sixth nation wide…give me a break…if that’s disappointing what qualifies in ‘some’s’ book? And just what other DFL candidate want2b in CD2 will be able to even match that, let alone exceed it?

Rachel stated "Daly lost by sixteen votes" ...hmmmmm.. 16 votes plus another 158,000+++ votes. It’s about as close to the truth as anything else she writes in her article.

When did reporters go from reporting facts to innuendo, gossip, and unsubstantiated ‘comments’ based on unnamed sources like ‘some’, ‘some analyst’, ‘and my personal favorite ‘money watchers’. Shouldn’t they ask for at least the resemblance of unbiased, fair and truthful reporting? Haven't we've had enough from the 'Judy Miller' school of reporting ...er... transcribing ...er.. spinning ... er.. oh hell just plain passing bad air for reporting!


Anonymous said...

Et tu bruta Kim ?

mnsky said...

I've been told that there's a small group (getting smaller every day!) within CD2 that aren't happy with Coleen Rowley (or her campaign). According to a DFL Representative, they've been lobbying him (et al) to either run against Coleen or find someone who will.

I've also spoken to some that aren't happy with the fact that Coleen won't take direction or listen to...'them'. In other words, they are unhappy because they aren't dealing with a puppet that will do as they say. They even indicated to me 'they' know the area better than Coleen and a Democrat can't win without conceding DFL values..just little things like equity for all including gays, healthcare rights and even help to those less fortunate than us. Of course, they haven't won anything for the DFL by doing so. Afterall why vote for a Republican light when you can vote truely Republican! Some even said Coleen should just pretend to hold values she doesn't believe in...like lying is an acceptable behavior.

The question is, will someone bite from the poisen apple? So far most have seen through what's going on...a vocal few seasoned politco with losing records verses a ground swell of support for Coleen.

Et tu Kim?...possibly...more than likely, wouldn't be the first time I've seen her spend time and energy attack Democrats over Republicans. It doesn't bode well for either side and divides democrats but then again, some folks egoes are bigger than the common good.

truthsurfer said...

As alwwys, Democrats show an amazing capacity to eat their own.

Anonymous said...

If only there were a candidate with the courage to speak truth to power. Is there such a person in our midst ?

Anonymous said...

If only there were a candidate with the courage to speak truth to power. Could there be such a person in our midst ?

truthsurfer said...

Wow...I feel like someone is feeding the gorilla but I'll bite!

There's someone alright..google Coleen Rowley. Truth to power indeed.

Here's a previous posting of mine on her. I can't say it enough 'Coleen Rowley is the Real Thing'. Call her up, talk with her, meet with her, she's open accessible, friendly. She everything but a polished politican...and personally I've had enough of them.