MN CD2 Gossip Roundup

Coleen Rowley will be adding a manager shortly in her bid for office. The short list has several excellent picks but look for a ex-minnesotan now working in California who has DCCC connections. A decision and announcement by the first of the year.

Teresa Daly (who ran against Kline last election and lost by 16%) will be running for Burnsville City Council. I like Teresa but she had a hard time defining herself on national issues that differ enough from Kline's stance and also resonated with the second CD voters. I look for her to continue fundraising for DFL candidates. Teresa has shown herself to be of real value and I hope the DFL is paying attention to that fact!

Sharon Marko (Rep in 57) will be deciding if she's running for congress in the next few weeks. Because Sharon is politically savvy, I predict she'll stay out of it for the following reasons... Marko will have a hard time explaining her support of Randy Kelly who got soundly defeated by the voters of St. Paul. Her decision to support Randy in his re-election bid given his support of President Bush will not sit well with CD2 activist. Additionally Sharon doesn't have the same national profile, media coverage or ability to raise money as Coleen.

The first of the year may bring a challenger to Jim Carlson(38) in his bid for MN Senate. Don't know all the issues but seems to stem from some dissatisfaction with Jim in the last election. Look for more on this as it develops.


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