Wake Up And Smell the Victory!

Are you paying attention Congressman Kline?
"Fifty-five percent of Americans say that most of the Democrats in Congress deserve re-election; just 39 percent, however, say the same of most Republican representatives."

"Overall, Americans have a very low opinion of Congress. Nearly seven in 10 think most members of Congress do not try to follow the same rules of behavior as most Americans, and a similar number believe most members consider themselves above the law."

Better still:
"….the biggest Democratic lead this close to Election Day in more than 20 years… Just 32 percent of Americans, moreover, approve of the way Congress is doing its job — the lowest approval rating in a decade…a new high of 53 percent — disapprove of how Bush has handled the broader U.S. campaign against terrorism"

Can’t get much uglier
"Seventy-nine percent of those polled — including 61 percent of Republicans — say GOP leaders were more concerned with politics than the well-being of the teenage pages."

By more than two to one, Americans see Republicans as more corrupt.

The War
"The public’s view of Iraq is as dark as it has been since the war began in 2003: two-thirds said the war was going somewhat or very badly, while only 3 percent said it was going very well. Two-thirds said they disapprove of how Mr. Bush is handling Iraq."

The End is near!
"Most astonishing, however, is that while 58% of Democrats consider themselves likely to vote, just 44% of Republicans see themselves heading to the polls this November."


Anonymous said…
Good post, but we progressives can't afford to be complacent. Time for everyone to get out and work for this last month so people know what a quality candidate Coleen Rowley is ... give her some money!
truthsurfer said…
Yes, yes, YES!!

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