Pawlenty's 'No New Tax' Myth
Pawlenty's campaign says Democrats will do anything to defeat the governor including 'outrageous and false statements you have seen recently in television ads.' But here's the deal, we don't have to because Pawlenty's been such a failure. Tim's lack of leadership and the current state of Minnesota speaks for itself. The LRV has a study that puts to bed Pawlenty's claim to 'no new taxes':
His actions have caused everything else -- property taxes, state fees, school fees, and college tuition - to go up while services decline.
New League of Rural Voters study finds double-digit property tax increases a direct result of State cuts to schools and local government Greater Minnesota residents have experienced double-digit property tax increases during the last four years as a direct result of cuts in state aid to schools and local government, according to a study released by the League of Rural Voters (LRV).The report shows that the state has made significant cuts in aid to schools and local governments in Greater Minnesota since 2003, forcing local government to increase property taxes. These local tax increases have not kept pace with the lost state revenues to schools and local government, often resulting in budget shortfalls. Then to balance the budget, necessary funding to schools and local government gets cut.
His actions have caused everything else -- property taxes, state fees, school fees, and college tuition - to go up while services decline.