I grew up reading comic books wanting to be a superhero. Comics taught me that those who speak the truth are heroes, all the rest are liars.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Coleen Rowley: Myth or Fact #2

Myth:"Rowley has not really proven to be a very formidable candidate" citing her "anemic fundraising."

Fact:At the end of the last reporting period Coleen Rowley had $170,000.00.
"To have $100,000 at this time puts somebody in a position to start a campaign and be taken seriously," said Michael Malbin, director of the non-partisan Campaign Finance Institute in Washington.
Democrats challenging Republican House incumbents in 41 congressional districts each raised at least $100,000 in 2005, according to new Federal Election Commission figures. And the Democratic fund-raising arm for congressional races had $16 million in the bank at the start of the year, compared with just $8.5 million at the beginning of 2004, FEC records show.

PS: Myth 1 redux (another picture of her smiling)

Coleen Rowley, Agent for Change

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