I'm Watching
Second Congressional District Watch: I see John Kline is keeping true to 'kline' by voting Big Oil's wishes. Makes you wonder how he stays in office? Well aside from all the special interest money...
Bin Laden Watch: Still Free...U.S. Embassy in Yemen attacked, at least 16 dead
Lipstick Watch: McCain said yesterday that the current banking crisis is because of greed and corruption. Stating that Wall Street has betrayed us. Which is funny when you consider his campaign has at least 177 lobbyist working for his campaign and several of McCain's top campaign aides lobbied for Fannie and Freddie.
What's that smell? Ah, it the stench of McCain selling voters out to influence-peddling corporate interests.
Watch Me Now: Couple of events coming up this Friday (19th):
1. The Obama campaign organized rally noon at Peavey Plaza on Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis.
2. Grassroot organized rally to greet McCain/Palin. 10188 Radisson Road in Blaine at 9 AM (bring signs, lipstick optional)
Bin Laden Watch: Still Free...U.S. Embassy in Yemen attacked, at least 16 dead
Lipstick Watch: McCain said yesterday that the current banking crisis is because of greed and corruption. Stating that Wall Street has betrayed us. Which is funny when you consider his campaign has at least 177 lobbyist working for his campaign and several of McCain's top campaign aides lobbied for Fannie and Freddie.
What's that smell? Ah, it the stench of McCain selling voters out to influence-peddling corporate interests.
Watch Me Now: Couple of events coming up this Friday (19th):
1. The Obama campaign organized rally noon at Peavey Plaza on Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis.
2. Grassroot organized rally to greet McCain/Palin. 10188 Radisson Road in Blaine at 9 AM (bring signs, lipstick optional)