Tim Walzing With The Devil On Iraq Funding
Yesterday Tim Walz (MN -D) voted to continue funding for the war. While Walz harshly criticizes the war, his actions spoke louder by voting to continue the war's funding. He joined the ranks of other spineless Minnesotans who decided to get their dance cards punched by Bu$h's war dance: Klobuchar, Kline, Bachman, Peterson, and Ramstad. As Senator Hagel says...
Those Standing Up
Betty McCollum and Keith Ellison
"Enough is enough," Obama, declared, adding that President Bush should not get "a blank check to continue down this same, disastrous path."
"I fully support our troops" but the measure "fails to compel the president to give our troops a new strategy in Iraq," said Hillary Clinton.
AWOL Votes
Norm Coleman and Oberstar. Do we get to dock their pay? Did they think to avoid any political fallout? Think again guys!
Meanwhile the deaths continue…
Pretty it up anyway you want, this vote continues a war that drains our country, kills our citizens, and continues terrorism.What do you believe? What are you willing to support? What do you think? Why were you elected?
If you wanted a safe job, go sell shoes. This is a tough business. But is it any tougher, us having to take a tough vote, express ourselves and have the courage to step up on what we’re asking our young men and women to do?
Those Standing Up
Betty McCollum and Keith Ellison
"Enough is enough," Obama, declared, adding that President Bush should not get "a blank check to continue down this same, disastrous path."
"I fully support our troops" but the measure "fails to compel the president to give our troops a new strategy in Iraq," said Hillary Clinton.
AWOL Votes
Norm Coleman and Oberstar. Do we get to dock their pay? Did they think to avoid any political fallout? Think again guys!
Meanwhile the deaths continue…
Satan is prevalent in our world & his work is clearly evident here. You can read the story by clicking on this link: http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/girl-stoned-to-death-as-iraq-sinks-to-new-low/2007/05/22/1179601410882.html it’s the Sydney Morning Herald online version of the same story as was run in the NZ Herald which is not on the internet. George Bush is badly advised, I feel he has unleashed forces over which he will never gain control. These so called honour killings have increased, as have many other horrors since the U.S. invaded Iraq. This war needs to end. Who can end this evil savagery? Who can cast the devil out of Iraq?