What Color is Your Neighborhood?

Found through GAWKERS, 'How White is your neighborhood'...and was not surprised at how white Minneapolis and St. Paul are especially compared to the other major US cities. Like most of  the top 40 cities in the United States however, the concentrated pockets of colors tell the story.

Photographer Eric Fischer's color-coded maps of racial segregation are captivating, particularly once you find your own neighborhood.

Fisher used a straight forward method borrowed from Rankin: Using U.S. Census data from 2000, he created a map where one dot equals 25 people. The dots are then color-coded based on race: White is pink; Black is blue; Hispanic is orange, and Asian is green. [Mpls, St. Paul  is pictured below.]

When I first saw this I noticed how red Minneapolis/St. Paul were compared to the other major cities posted up...then I found out one red dot represented 25 whites. Most all the cities showed specific pocket groupings for the races.
 It would be interesting to see this with an overlay of: income, real estate prices, and school funding...BTW, I live in a neighborhood with no blacks, one Asian family, and two India families and oh yeah, one Minnesota Governor but he;s not home much since deciding to run for President. The rest is all white, as is most of the southern suburbs.


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