Bachmann Provides Fuel For A Race War

The more I read about Michele Bachmann, the more I realize she surrounds herself with racist bigots who's speech is meant to incite racial violence against other races, immigrants, poor people, and women.

Just take a look at her friend and bigot 'the Admiral'. His remarks would make a KKK grand wizard blush! And he makes these remarks with Michele Bachmann present so it's not like she doesn't know! Can we take it then that she also accepts and believes the same thing? If not, then why have an association with someone so radical a racist?

Michele's recent announcement that she will be speaking at Glenn Beck's Washington DC event this Saturday (restoring Honor Rally) leaves no doubt as to her support of racism. Glenn Beck's continued rhetoric of anti-Obama and extreme racist remarks leaves no doubt as to his leaning. The video below has Michele Bachmann replying to her anti-Obama statements, denying them, but then she still associates with anti-Obama pro-racist hate mongers, so what does that can surround yourself with bigots then deny supporting them. I don't think so.

The conservative extremist and talking head Glenn Beck describes himself and his fans as the real “inheritors and protectors of the civil-rights movement.” as oppose to those Americans who were denied actual rights? Like African Americans or Women? Say what?

Just last year Glenn Beck claimed President Obama secretly hated white people! I kid you not,THESE are the people Michele Bachmann has surrounded herself with and supports! Do most Minnesotans want the nation to see Michelle as representing them in supporting these types of beliefs?

It's hard not to have the big 'F' when you read crap like this on Michele Bachmann and her racist tea party nut cases! In May of 2009, Bachmann compared Washington, D.C. to “enemy lines” and urged her supporters to become “armed and dangerous” and fight a “revolution” against cap and trade legislation. This isn't normal everyday rhetoric...this is inciting and dangerous speech from the Tea Party Caucus Leader Michele Bachmann who is pouring gasoline on smothering embers. In the old days she would have on a white bed sheet on to declare her allegiance to hatred and bigotry. This paranoid person is not the person to represent Minnesotans.
"I want people in Minnesota armed and dangerous on this issue of the energy tax because we need to fight back. Thomas Jefferson told us, having a revolution every now and then is a good thing, and the people — we the people — are going to have to fight back hard if we’re not going to lose our country. And I think this has the potential of changing the dynamic of freedom forever in the United States"
Michele is not a nice person. My mom baked cookies just like Michele Bachmann but she would never spew hate lace speech nor stand by while others that do the same...and if I once brought home someone who spoke like the 'admiral', he would have a good talking to, and my mom would be questioning my judgement...I'm thinking we should hold Michele Bachmann to the same standard. Every child knows, if it walks like, talks like and quacks like a racist...


Good post.

Using terms like Revolution, Civil disobedience, Battles, Armed and Dangerous are totally inappropriate by someone elected and sworn to uphold the Constitution.
The words inspire Anarchy.

I looked into Jefferson’s words in a commentary that puts a little context that Ms.Information Bachmann missed.

Some of these antics may be backfiring. Did you see Kathy Ireland response to Randy Brown, the webmaster for MN-GOP Senate District 56 who found a YouTube video that he decided to link prominently on the official District party website? The piece is called "Republican Women vs. Democrat Women"

Ireland writes :
Vile. Ugly. Lies. Someone wasn't thinking @ Minnesota Republican legislative district produced "video" comparing Republican&Democratic WOMEN on appearance vs. policy! Deeply regret that such negativity is our political scene. Resent my image was used in this offensive way.
I vote for integrity, character, leadership and policy, regardless of party label.

But my fury derives from the way these "leaders," and a bipartisan collection of other political negativists on both sides of the aisle, are debasing our democracy and the essential exercise of our privilege to vote our leaders in or out. Political candidates of every stripe are responsible for holding their supporters and campaign teams to their own ethical standards, or else we have to assume that these excesses (whether their prejudices are misogyny or any other form of ignorance) represent what the candidates stand for.

It’s a good message … I vote for integrity, character, leadership and policy, regardless of party label … something that reflects my view.

As is Political candidates of every stripe are responsible for holding their supporters and campaign teams to their own ethical standards, or else we have to assume that these excesses (whether their prejudices are misogyny or any other form of ignorance) represent what the candidates stand for.

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