I grew up reading comic books wanting to be a superhero. Comics taught me that those who speak the truth are heroes, all the rest are liars.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

We Do Not Torture, But I Lie

President Bush defended his policy regarding American held prisoners this week by stating ""We do not torture".

and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again....he lies.


Anonymous said...

The question isn't so much that Bush lies but why he can do so again and again and again...The American public (especially voters) don't seem to want to hold him accountable for lying much less torture. Why is that? Could it be that his behavior is not only accepted but wanted. Maybe sheep prefer the shepard however abusive to real world wolves.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the sheep should look at the values of the one and only - the true Shepard, not the anti-shepard (Bush).
When one puts their faith in our Maker and not in our President, then we can truly FEAR NOT!!!

P.S. - the American people are opening their eyes. Bush's DISapproval rating is at a all time high of 64%