City of Lonsdale (Minnesota) Election Results
In Brief:
Lonsdale Mayor Re-elected.
One City Council Member Re-elected.
New City Council Member elected.
Here's how the numbers break down:
In the Mayor's Race Tim Rud won re-election with 477 votes against mayorial candidate Roz Carson who received 123 votes.
Blaine Smith recieved the most votes in the City Council race with 306 votes and in second was Fritz Duban with 238 votes.
It is apparent that a majority of those who voted are concerned over public safety with electing Blaine Smith.
Smith ran on his experience as a current Rice County Deputy Sheriff and his wealth of Law Enforcement knowledge.
From Smith's flyer: "As this town continues to grow, I for one want to know that we can depend on Lonsdale to keep our kids, homes, schools and streets safe... At election time, vote for me to be your voice on quality of life and public safety concerns."
Lonsdale Mayor Re-elected.
One City Council Member Re-elected.
New City Council Member elected.
Here's how the numbers break down:
In the Mayor's Race Tim Rud won re-election with 477 votes against mayorial candidate Roz Carson who received 123 votes.
Blaine Smith recieved the most votes in the City Council race with 306 votes and in second was Fritz Duban with 238 votes.
It is apparent that a majority of those who voted are concerned over public safety with electing Blaine Smith.
Smith ran on his experience as a current Rice County Deputy Sheriff and his wealth of Law Enforcement knowledge.
From Smith's flyer: "As this town continues to grow, I for one want to know that we can depend on Lonsdale to keep our kids, homes, schools and streets safe... At election time, vote for me to be your voice on quality of life and public safety concerns."