I guess at the end of the day, you really can't depend on the locals to do what's right for their community, so big brother GOP Sen. Dave Thompson, a freshman Republican from Lakeville, along with the rest, will step in to call the shots over locally elected school board members...
BTW Dave Thompson (SD36) says at his website:
BTW Dave Thompson (SD36) says at his website:
"Education policy should be set at the local level. Parents, family members, friends and neighbors are in the best position to determine what is best for their children..."
KUDOS to Dave Thompson and the rest of the GOP on doing the exact opposite of what they said and micro-managing locally elected entities while growing State control (almost a trifecta of broken promises).
Thier proposal is just one more step in taking our local rights at self governance away from us bit by bit and turning it over to the State. At least with local control we had accountability, who will be responsible now? More power to the Government is like slop to a pig and as Ronald Reagan observed, it is dangerous to get between the hog and the trough.
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