I grew up reading comic books wanting to be a superhero. Comics taught me that those who speak the truth are heroes, all the rest are liars.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Heart Gets Mad

Heart (or more specifically BMG representing Heart) sent a 'cease and disist' letter to McCain/Palin in regards to using their copyrighted song "Barracuda". Still like the law abiding folks most GOPers are...they continue to use the song illegally. It must be frustrating especially if the artist don't support the polical leanings of McCain/Palin...

"The Republican campaign did not ask for permission to use the song, nor would they have been granted that permission. We have asked the Republican campaign publicly not to use our music. We hope our wishes will be honored."

I know this isn't the letter...even though it's been making the email rounds...but it's the one I would send..

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