The Peeps_2008
Every year the Pioneer Press has a Peep Diorama contest.
And every year my friends and kids enter.
- In 2004, we glimpsed 'the Peeps March for Choice in Washington DC'.
- In 2005, we held back tears of joy as we witnessed a union of love in a beautiful 'Same Peep Wedding'.
- In 2006, we traveled to 'Mount Choice-No-More' in the Black Hills of South Dakota. (why won't they let us control our own health?)
including the 'peepshow' shown here!
While we have lots of ideas, time slipped away from us again this year....which brings me to my point...going to Mexico for a few days to search for intelligent life among the spanish speaking peeps. Look for my report when I get back (and maybe a 'day of the dead peeps' diorama)...ts