Pawlenty Wrong For Minnesotans

For over a year Health Commissioner Dianne Mandernach has delayed the release of data on cancer cases among Iron Range miners. The data shows double the numbers of miners with a rare lung cancer. I know first hand, being married to a cancer survivor; a year can be the difference between living and dying.

Mandernach was appointed in 2003 as Health Commissioner by Governor Pawlenty. A Pawlenty spokesman, Brian McClung, said Mandernach shouldn’t lose her job over an ‘error in judgment’. But this is much more than an error. Not releasing this data has endangered these Iron Range families. And brings into question…why?

Governor Pawlenty standing with his Health Commission can only be interpreted that he’s willing to over look malfeasants from his appointees at the expense of the very lives of the Iron Ranger miner community.

Another appointment that Pawlenty is playing with that shows the Governor’s disregard for Minnesotans, is documented by 'A Blue Man in a Red District' Blog.

“Recent discussions I have had with colleagues in St Cloud and Mankato have produced a third candidate for the Board, a candidate who has been supposedly recruited by someone in Governor Pawlenty's office, in a blatant attempt to thwart the work of 4 year students across the state”

Will Governor Pawlenty appoint a student who did not recieve the support of the student associations and is attending a private school to represent a public school? If so, expect more ‘error of judgments’ from Pawlenty’s appointments!


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