I grew up reading comic books wanting to be a superhero. Comics taught me that those who speak the truth are heroes, all the rest are liars.

Monday, January 25, 2010

She Still Has A Pulse

When I read news reports like The Hill's reporter Aaron Blake writing "election woes: Expectations crumble as retirements mooted"...I wonder why news editors don't at least do a reality check to get the facts!..even ABC reports that "Democrats are dropping like flies", the truth of the matter as Steve Benen points out.... Democrats are still very much alive!

"In the House, 14 GOP incumbents have decided not to seek re-election, while 10 Democratic incumbents have made the same announcement. Does this mean Republicans are "dropping like flies"?"

"In the Senate, six Republican incumbents have decided not to seek re-election, while two Democratic incumbents have made the same announcement. Is this evidence of a mass Democratic exodus?',

No, we're still alive and kicking...very much so! So why does the media make it seem like we're taking our last gasp of air? And why don't we see the same stories about the GOP when they obviously have more exiting public life...why? Oh yeah, must be the liberal bought media...bawhahah...Reports of our demise are greatly exaggerated...mostly...

I once met jimmy page in tahoe during the 70's...Ah those were wild days!

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