I grew up reading comic books wanting to be a superhero. Comics taught me that those who speak the truth are heroes, all the rest are liars.

Monday, April 06, 2009


The PP peep diorama contest for 2009 has posted up the entries. It’s interesting to see so many of a political nature…guess my kid was just way ahead of the curve on this one…(see It’s finally Friday for a peep blast from the past, and Peeps on Parade for last year)
Favorite 2009: Well all of 'em but I'll single out:
To reassure shaky markets and move the United States back to the something closer to the Gold Standard the Government Office of Economic Stimulus rolls out the “Green Back Bunny”. Unfortunately, this program was held up in Congress by a coalition of the “Blue Dog Democrats” and the “Yellow Chickie Republicans”.

SpongeBob Square Peep
Description: Well this speaks for itself...Included are Patrick, Squidworth, Mr.Crabs, SpongeBob and Gary.

The Great Peepression
Description: The idea was to recreate an iconic, distilled image that captures the woes of the Great Depression. Historically thematic, yet relevant to today's uncertain economic climate. These peeps find themselves in dire straits, waiting in a soup line, below a billboard that promises a much different version of the American Dream.

Dr FrankenBunny and Peepgor striving to create a superhero to save the life of Peeps around the world from their Easter demise

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