Killing the Democratic Party as we know it?

Just to warn you before you read this posting… If you’re part of the establishment (define this as you may) you probably won’t like this, so you may want to check out a different posting…

Let’s talk about the Democratic Party in this very important year of opportunity. Currently the Democratic Party has 3 strong presidential candidates by anyone’s standards.

I view the Presidential race as more of a cross roads for our party and our country. One road will lead us to growing our party (let’s call this a rebirth). One road will lead us to KILL our party, as we know it. And the last road will be somewhere in the middle. Can you guess which candidates are trying to lead us down what path???

Towards the beginning of the primary and caucus process I truly felt that any Democratic candidate would be a great President. I was proud of the diversity that our party was showing with our array of candidates.

This thinking was changed with New Hampshire.

It was Bill Clinton turning negative and going after Obama that put me in a state of disgust. I liked Bill as President. When he’s positive he can change the world. Now seeing the negative side, I fear he will damage our party.

Together Bill and Hillary turning negative are like taking a knife and stabbing a vital party in its heart. MARK my words – if things continue the way they’ve been with the Clintons and if Hillary gets the party’s nomination – it will KILL the Democratic Party, as we know it.

I’ve talked with friends and others who support Obama. I’ve heard numerous times “if Hillary gets the nomination I will not vote for her”.

Where Obama is bringing people to the party, the Clintons could very well drive people from our party - thus KILLING the party.

More to come…


Anonymous said…
I am going to link this post and the other that I commented on. I have found John Edwards because of his focus on issues I care about. I have reluctantly moved away from Hillary because of issues I care about. And here I had waited for her since the 1990's! Obama is inspiring. Your observation is spot on. Even though I am not a party person and I love real honest debates, something has changed the tone of the (D) campaigns. Uncomfortable to the gut. The remarks that sparked the Race debate was a huge turn off for me. I am a woman and I am a person of color...and I did my homework. That is how I arrived at John Edwards’s campaign door. It really did come down to how far I had to lift myself on the tips of my toes to over look something that each one did, said, didn't do, didn't say or how hard one worked to repair a deed that wasn't good for the people. Lots of things really. That was difficult, because I really found inspiration in all 3 candidates. Whew...I think I'm ready for the DFL Caucus Feb. 5th....going - voting - leaving - waiting. Thank you again for this post, too. I love reading other blogs, but usually never post. You have two that hit the spot for me today! Thank you!
blue fortitude said…
On issues I too like John Edwards and have been a supporter of his from the start. Before the Iowa caucuses I started looking at Obama. I feel strongly about various issues for example: I think we should have single universal health care provided by our government - take the HMO's and Insurance providers out of the equation. Let doctor's worry about the patients and not about pushing name brand drugs for bonuses or not giving the right tests to meet quotas. But there's something bigger that I want to see changed. I believe if you change this one thing it will make finding solutions to the other big issues easy. The one thing is to heal our country. Bring people together. I want the country to get back to a place were being American is put before being Democrats or Republicans. When I think which candidate would be able to do this - I see and think Obama. He's been proving it with the caucuses, primaries and his campaign in general. I don't see any other Democratic candidate able to bring Republicans, Independants, Democrats together. I do feel that if you are able to inspire individuals with words you will bring change. And then looking at world affairs. I think someone who is able to heal the realationships that have been damaged by Bu$h is also Obama. Don't get me wrong I like Edwards and my wish would be to have an Obama-Edwards ticket. Edwards has been speaking about issues that I feel strongly about - poverty for one and he has also spoke about change from day one.

I'm glad you will be going to the DFL Caucus, I hope you won't stop there. We need more fresh faces in the party. There are too many "Establishment" types that aren't open minded and are not willing to listen to new ideas. Take care.
mnsky said…
Supporting Obama is fine...but a DEMOCRAT elected by the majority of Democrats will not kill the party even if they weren't your first or second or third choice! Such exaggerations belittle the intelligence of all of us.

Frankly I believe you've created your own reality that seems to mirror very closely to the rethug sexist way of thinking...Whines like 'killing the party' give no added value other than to divide the Democratic community and make your support appear based on childish petulance. It's an unproven and ridiculous statement steeped in faulty logic and probably based in sexism. Don't want to support Hillary based on issues...great...but stop with the fear mongering.
blue fortitude said…
Mnsky as always your opinion is nice to have, although I think you’ve missed the total essence of this posting. I feel that the “exaggeration” of this post can “Awaken” those that share the same belief.

We do not need DEMOCRATS attacking other DEMOCRATS by using race, gender or any other array of wedging personal attacks. It’s actions like the Clintons did leading up to the South Carolina primary that DIVIDE our Democratic community and that can do harm. The damage that such nasty and calculated campaigning can do is what I’m referring to as “killing” the party. Why? BECAUSE if the Clintons continue down this road it will DIVIDE us, it will make some ultimately loose interest and hope – thus ultimately leaving the party.

You are able to believe what you would like, I respect that – but I can tell you that this doesn’t come from a reality that I’ve created which “mirrors closely to the rethug sexist way of thinking”. It comes from real life, from watching the candidates and talking with friends, neighbors and family about the presidential race – some of who are involved for the first time. I believe that by tying any part of my posting to a “sexist way of thinking” you are using a page out of the Clinton’s playbook – which is fine, however it’s just assisting in proving my point. And when you take out the ruler to measure childish petulance, tying sexism to a post where there is none, simply is beyond measurement.

This posting is my way of putting my foot down and for letting those who feel the same know that they are not alone. I’m very tired of the Clinton’s way of politics. They are better than the kind of politicking that they are currently engaged in.
I care deeply for the Democratic Party. I will not sit quietly when I feel someone or something is going to damage our party.

We’re at a cross roads of our party and country. I’m choosing the road of hope over the road of the same old way of doing things.

Thank you MNSky, I appreciate the conversation.
blue fortitude said…
Mnsky as always your opinion is nice to have, although I think you’ve missed the total essence of this posting. I feel that the “exaggeration” of this post can “Awaken” those that share the same belief.

We do not need DEMOCRATS attacking other DEMOCRATS by using race, gender or any other array of wedging personal attacks. It’s actions like the Clintons did leading up to the South Carolina primary that DIVIDE our Democratic community and that can do harm. The damage that such nasty and calculated campaigning can do is what I’m referring to as “killing” the party. Why? BECAUSE if the Clintons continue down this road it will DIVIDE us, it will make some ultimately loose interest and hope – thus ultimately leaving the party.

You are able to believe what you would like, I respect that – but I can tell you that this doesn’t come from a reality that I’ve created which “mirrors closely to the rethug sexist way of thinking”. It comes from real life, from watching the candidates and talking with friends, neighbors and family about the presidential race – some of who are involved for the first time. I believe that by tying any part of my posting to a “sexist way of thinking” you are using a page out of the Clinton’s playbook – which is fine, however it’s just assisting in proving my point. And when you take out the ruler to measure childish petulance, tying sexism to a post where there is none, simply is beyond measurement.

This posting is my way of putting my foot down and for letting those who feel the same know that they are not alone. I’m very tired of the Clinton’s way of politics. They are better than the kind of politicking that they are currently engaged in.
I care deeply for the Democratic Party. I will not sit quietly when I feel someone or something is going to damage our party.

We’re at a cross roads of our party and country. I’m choosing the road of hope over the road of the same old way of doing things.

Thank you MNSky, I appreciate the conversation.

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