Tis the season for a Special Election...

It wouldn't be the holiday season without a special election now would it?

Well, at least in Minnesota with a Governor who enjoys having special elections during the Holiday season...

Today State Senator Thomas Neuville (senate district 25) was named the Third District judge by Governor Tim Pawlenty. What's interesting is that the judge retired back in September on the 14th to be specific. So the question is why did it take Pawlenty so long to appoint a new judge??? Well if history dictates anything, Tis the season to hold special elections.
Here’s the story

Why would it be important to hold a special election for Governor Pawlenty during the holidays?
Two words for ya: St. Olaf & Carleton Colleges (ok more than two words - LOL)
The two schools reside in Northfield and both schools will be on holiday break.

So who’s going to run?

Well former State House Representative Ray Cox (republican) has thrown his hat into the race “unofficially” of course. One just needs to take a look at his weblog… He was an announced candidate for the House (25B), however if you look at his weblog’s banner it states “candidate for Senate 25”…

So who’ll take on Cox?

There has been a number of names thrown about in DFL (Democratic) circles…
A former party unit chair? An attorney with a county who also sits on a city council committee? A former House 25b candidate who ran for the DFL endorsement?

Something is for sure – a candidate will emerge tomorrow to make it official on the DFL side.

While Neuville contemplates when to resign, we’ll wait and watch candidates pop up out of the political popcorn machine…. Maybe Pawlenty and the Republicans will encourage Neuville to wait until the week of Christmas to resign???

Stay tuned!


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