America's Healthcare In Need of Reform
Healthcare is destroying America…or more specifically the costs of healthcare. Medical bills account for more than half of all bankruptcies (back when you could file for protection against medical bills!). 2.4 million Elderly Americans have been driven into poverty by their medical bills despite having coverage. Even those with medical insurance, many can’t afford to seek medical attention and go without necessary health care.
Got a few minutes? Read more here…Right now our leaders are developing plans to hopefully fix these problems. Want to be part of the solution? Need to know more? Attend:
'Courageous Conversations about Health Care', hosted by Senator John Doll on May 19, 2009 at 7:00 PM at the Burnsville Civic Center/Town Hall, 100 Civic Center Parkway
Guest Speakers include: Senator John Marty - What the bill will mean to us, Dr. Jim Letts (Physicians for National Health Plan)-Learn why doctors prefer the MHP, Nancy Breymeier (Metropolitan Independent Business Alliance) Why Business are struggling to provide health care benefits and how the MHP will help, Senator Erickson Ropes -Why Canadians prefer their health care, Kip Sullivan, author of "The Health Care Mess" with Q & A Panel
Got a few minutes? Read more here…Right now our leaders are developing plans to hopefully fix these problems. Want to be part of the solution? Need to know more? Attend:
'Courageous Conversations about Health Care', hosted by Senator John Doll on May 19, 2009 at 7:00 PM at the Burnsville Civic Center/Town Hall, 100 Civic Center Parkway
Guest Speakers include: Senator John Marty - What the bill will mean to us, Dr. Jim Letts (Physicians for National Health Plan)-Learn why doctors prefer the MHP, Nancy Breymeier (Metropolitan Independent Business Alliance) Why Business are struggling to provide health care benefits and how the MHP will help, Senator Erickson Ropes -Why Canadians prefer their health care, Kip Sullivan, author of "The Health Care Mess" with Q & A Panel