The State I'm In
It's harder to make ends meet...everything has gone up in price...gasoline, heating, water, medicine, food...everything but my wages.
Want to know the 'State of the State'?'s not good at all! Governor Tim Pawlenty maybe hasn't noticed because he's been too busy campaigning for McCain, but the rest of us know that things aren't improving. For some of us 'Rome is burning' and Tim is fiddling.
Want to know the 'State of the State'?'s not good at all! Governor Tim Pawlenty maybe hasn't noticed because he's been too busy campaigning for McCain, but the rest of us know that things aren't improving. For some of us 'Rome is burning' and Tim is fiddling.
Live Earth just picked up this topic and put out an article ( ) asking why the presidential candidates are not being solicited for their stance on the issue of the climate change. I just saw an article describing each candidate’s stance on global warming and climate change on . So obviously they care about it. Is it the Medias fault for not asking the right questions or is it the candidates’ fault for not highlighting the right platforms? Does anyone know of other websites or articles that touch on this subject and candidates’ views? This is the biggest problem of the century and for generations to come…you would think the next president of the United States would be more vocal about it.