What does an illegal immigrant look like?

Tom Emmer (MNGOP endorsed Candidate for Governor) called the Arizona law a "wonderful first step," and he criticized federal officials for taking issue with Arizona. But even Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer appeared confused during a news conference when asked how police would identify illegal immigrants in Arizona. "I do not know what an illegal immigrant looks like," she answered. "I can tell you that there are people in Arizona who assume they know what an illegal immigrant looks like."

Funny on what an illegal immigrant looks like (including an illegal immigrant in MN!):

Not so funny:

Take Action...
SEIU Press Release:
MINNEAPOLIS – Over thirty SEIU members and community supporters will gather outside Baja Sol Restaurant in Uptown to unmask the hypocrisy of corporations and their executives that benefit from the Immigrants buying their products and capitalize on cheap labor but at the same time support anti-immigrant legislation.

The group of activist will meet outside Baja Sol Restaurant in Uptown, Minneapolis at 6pm.

Tony Sutton, CEO of Baja Sol Restaurants, is also the Chairman of the MN Republican Party which endorsed Tom Emmer as their gubernatorial candidate a few weeks ago. Emmer fully supports the irresponsible and racist Arizona law SB 1070, saying that “it is a wonderful first step” and advocates for Rep. Drazkowski’s copycat bill HF3830 which demonizes immigrants and institutes racial profiling.

WHAT: SEIU members and community allies meet in protest to expose Tony Sutton for making millions of dollars selling Mexican fast food, while making millions for the MNGOP to spend bashing immigrants.

WHO: SEIU members and community allies.

WHEN: 6:00pm, Thursday, May 27
WHERE: Outside Baja Sol Restaurant on Hennepin and 22nd in Uptown

VISUAL: Workers and community activists passing out information on the hypocrisy of Tony Sutton and Baja Sol; other holding signs and banners.

Sponsored by: SEIU Local 26 Minneapolis, MN


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