Put a Fork in It!

 An email (Fork in the Road) went out offering all government employees an early resignation buyout of seven month's pay without specifics or details. Will they get retirement benefits, when how? Does it cover medical? Dental? When is the payout? Lump sum? Future sum?

Without details or specifics, federal employees have until Feb 6 to decide! Besides the lack of respect this implies by only giving a 'grandstand show' email, or as we say in TEXAS 'all hat and no cattle', why would anyone trust this President who has the absolute worst history in making promises he can't or won't keep especially when it applies to money! 

Good luck on getting your money from a fraudster amid all the incoming lawsuits and without congressional oversight or approval. 

Is it just me or does this move show that nobody, cough, Musk, understands the process used by the federal government and that waving a wand 🪄and throwing out pixie dust 🧨emails doesn't constitute a change in government.


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